There are changes to our services during December, please look at the middle pages for exact details.

Sunday morning services continue as usual beginning at 10.30amin the Memorial Hall when we have hot drinks and a chance to catch up with each other before the service “proper” which starts at 11:00 am.

Coffee Club. Join us for coffee and stay for a light lunch. 10am -2.00pm. in the Reading Room. We meet each Tuesday except the 1stTuesday of the month when we go on an outing. Most weeks there is a“Rope table” with all sorts of things for sale.

Home Group. For all ages. Come along and experience the friendly atmosphere. We try to make Bible study easy and relaxing, meeting in an informal way in a different home each week.

B & B. is short for Bible & Beer and has changed in character lately. Ian and Mary are still found at the Feathers Pub on Thursday evenings.Mostly the emphasis is on making friends with the folk there, listening to what they have to say and speaking of faith whenever the chance arises.Please pray for these “God” opportunities to occur more and more often.

PRAYER AFTERNOONS. Each Wednesday afternoon we set time aside for prayer. You can come to Ian & Jen’s home between 2.30 and4.30pm and join us in prayer, but if you are not able to join us, why not set aside time to pray in your own home?

PRAYER MATTERS. Thank you for praying so faithfully.We thank God for His answers to our prayers. Pat Jackson has improved so much after her operation, please con-tinue to pray as she has further treatment. Mark is making steps forward all the time, Keep on praying.Jean needs our prayers, pray for healing and God’s peace. Please carry on praying for Simon, Julia, Tim and Stephanie. Glen needs a better job please pray for him, and Chanel and Lily.

Pray for the ROCK for God’s provision and guidance.

Financial support of the Rock

The Rock is funded entirely by voluntary donations.

If you would like to support The Rock financially you can do so via cash offerings, cheques payable to The Rock or standing order. You may also like to consider making a bequest in your will.

If you are a taxpayer we are able to claim Gift Aid on your donations on completion of the appropriate form.

Please speak to Wendy Lawson (01494 874871) for further information,and be assured that all donations will be treated in the strictest confidence.Thank you.

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